Diplomatic Training at the United Nations with
Students will take part in Diplomatic Training at the United Nations. This will provide an opportunity for students to learn more about the United Nations systems and receive training on the Sustainable Development Goals. As part of the 2030 Agenda, these goals demonstrate the global challenges of the present and sustainable solutions to strive for in the future. Upon completion of the program, students will be given a certificate from the United Nations agency focused on Training and Research.
Facilitated by UN Agencies, the New York Graduate Plan’s Diplomatic Training provides a unique chance for students to learn about diplomacy from diplomats themselves. Though many projects exist with a focus on national and international politics, very few can offer first-hand experience equal to that of the New York Graduate Plan. Through this program, students will gain a stronger comprehension of global challenges and how to resolve them on an international stage. Diplomatic Training will be led by ambassadors, diplomats and delegates at the United Nations.
In order to provide the most authentic learning experience possible, courses will be divided into two sections: lecture and student participation in United Nations forums, including General Assembly sessions. This will allow students to further develop a global political perspective due to first-hand experience and observation.
In addition to strengthening comprehension on global leadership, Diplomatic Training will afford students an opportunity to gain insight into the daily lives of international leaders. In accordance with the spirit of modern diplomacy, students will be encouraged to think critically and creatively while in cooperation with each other. The final aim is to train students to become more active in their local communities, in the varying political landscapes, to bring a new generation to the forefront of the international community. This program offers unique access to knowledge and methods that allow participants to act more effectively inside the United Nations and engage in leadership roles in a multilateral environment. Diplomatic Training will consist of practical workshops (concise, accessible, and directly applicable) and is highly interactive. The average period of a workshop is one to two days.

to Protect

Women, Peace and Security


Regional Organizations and Conflict Resolution

Democracy and the Pillars of the United Nations Work
The Sustainable Development Goals & the 2030 Agenda

International Criminal Justice

Climate Change and the Paris Agreement
Diplomatic Training at
Please be advised that we usually choose four faculty members from among those listed in the brochure, depending upon their availability, for doing 2 lectures each.
CAMPAIGN TO TRANSFORM GUN CULTURE TO CULTURE OF PEACE AND NONVIOLENCE> Peace Education and Training > Disarmament and Peacebuilding (long-term planning) > Humanitarian Disarmament (impact of SALW on people and animals) > Survivor’s Network and Women’s Network
+ STRENGTHEN PROGRAMME OF ACTION FOR SMALL ARMS, LIGHT WEAPONS "> ISACS - International Standards for SALW > Synergy Movement of 18 worldwide Disarmament Instruments > Strong General Messaging (13 issues chosen by IANSA) > Application in USA

The New York Graduate Plan offers applicants an opportunity unlike any other program of its kind. Through our curriculum, locations and field opportunities, we will provide participants with the tools and support needed to ensure individual success. We invite interested applicants to apply through the link below and take the first steps toward changing the world today.