A story about the life of Olivia Upham,
This Nonviolence International New York Program Participant started a trend online that I would like to highlight...
In April & May of this year, during this global pandemic, the NonviolenceNY, Action in Quarantine teams highlighted several key issues that the mass isolation and shared global impact is influencing.
One stuck out for Mz. Upham, "I am a teacher’s daughter" she explains..
"This means I grew up ‘playing-school’ on the cold concrete floor of my basement, lecturing to an empty ‘classroom’ in rural Michigan."
In Mz. Upham's program We had asked her to find a International day and highlight it, use the skills that we have been training her in and see if she can make an impact, & so she made a concept...
She explains "My mother, is a second-grade teacher in a slow, pastoral corner of the Midwest. Genesee County, where she currently teaches, is currently leading fifth in the state for COVID-19 cases. Despite increasing infection rates, students are back for full, in-person learning."
In her article she explains "Crisis Teaching" and she interviews her mother about her worries. explaining “there’s just so many unknowns about this virus, and only some school districts are treating this with caution.” and these teaching are risking their lives almost silently...
So Mz. Upham came up with a plan that has inspired many... its simple
Call your a past teacher of yours and say; “Thank you and hello” but also “Are you okay?”
"I am the daughter of a teacher. I know what it’s like to love one. On this ‘World Teachers’ Day’, reach out, reach far, and check-in with those who are keeping this country running from underground, unseen, but never unfelt."
and check out her article here:
Thank you for reading.