Gandhi King Global Initiative
Build a Better World Together
In a partnership with Stanford University and 15 other peace and justice organizations across the globe, Nonviolence International New York has assisted in the creation of a global peace network and conference with 400+ participants from around the world. Read more and explore the different resources provided by this initiative.
About Us

The Gandhi-King Global Initiative (GKGI) and Network (GKGN), is a network of almost 100 peace and justice organizations from around the world and is based in the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute at Stanford University. From Friday, October 11 to Sunday, October 13, 2019, GKGI commemorated the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth by hosting an international Gandhi-King conference.
This conference at Stanford featured lectures and panel discussions by prominent scholars and activists who discussed the legacies of Gandhi, King and other heroes of nonviolence and peace in a contemporary global context. Honored guests included - Ela Gandhi and Rajmohan Gandhi (grandchildren of Mahatma Gandhi), Martin Luther King III and his family, Anthony Chavez and Juanita Chavez (the grandson of Cesar Chavez and the daughter of Dolores Huerta, respectively), Sister Helen Prejean, Mubarak Awad, and James Lawson.
This historic gathering was the first event of the Gandhi-King Global Initiative (GKGI), an effort to build an international network (GKGN) of organizations and grassroots groups committed to the nonviolent struggle for human rights. This network seeks to enhance the rich history of intellectual and political collaboration between activists inspired by Gandhi and King and others.
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