The Arizona Research Center seeks to bring together a number of peace education and research efforts started in the New York office - mainly relating to Peacebuilding, Nonviolence and the UN Program for a Culture of Peace.
Theoretical Basis for the AZ Research Program
Johan Galtung’s theories on violence, conflict and peace provide a guiding theoretical framework for our work on Peacebuilding, Nonviolence and the UN Programme for a Culture of Peace.
Measuring Peace as Peacebuilding
The scientific measurement of peacefulness in any given group, community or country provides guidance to organizers and governments on the best course of action to help that group, etc., as well as maximize their resources and realize their potential as a human community for the benefit of all.
Global Catalog of Peacebuilding Programs
This database lists peace solutions in fields of: peace education and training, education, social and sustainable development, economics as well as government, to benefit program staff and designers, researchers, funders, volunteers and the general public. Programs are sorted by region, issue and measurement parameters, highlighting special achievements and relevant news items.
Speakers Bureau
Join David Kirshbaum on his various speaking tours:
View our schedule of speaking engagements on the topics of Peacebuilding and the Culture of Peace.
Learn about the Gandhi-King Global Initiative through which much of our work takes place.
Find contact information for our speakers, and more.